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The Podcast Macabre

May 27, 2019

As we wrap up May, we also wrap up the last of the Mosterpalooza panels Joe recorded for us! This round we have Q&A's for GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS, the soon-to-be-released THE GIRL ON THE THIRD FLOOR, and HALLOWEEN (2019).

May 19, 2019

The letter is X, and we're gonna give it to ya! In this installment of ABCs of Horror, we discuss and review X THE UNKNOWN (1956), X: THE MAN WITH X-RAY EYES (1963), and XX (2017).

May 6, 2019

We felt it was time to start revisiting some of the topics we discussed in our formative episodes many moons ago, and the first one on the slab is remakes and reboots! Have a listen as we give our personal top ten lists of remakes and reboots, and be sure check the links in the show notes for the Letterboxd companion...